Albendazole Bolus and Toxin Binder Manufacturer
Albendazole Bolus and Toxin Binder Manufacturer
Amino Pharma’s Albendazole Bolus is a well-known eminent entity, holding huge commercial acumen in manufacturing, supplying as well as exporting this drug. This veterinary drug is utilised to feed pet animals that are affected by cestodal, nemotodal and other bacterial infections. We actually bring forth this drug in different presentations as well as formations. Amino Pharma’s Albendazole Bolus is also available in bulk quantities following our clients requirements. As the Best Albendazole Bolus and Toxin Binder manufacturer, our products are well known for the below mentioned attributes:
- Adequate value of chemical contaminants
- Longer shelf life
- Highly effective
- No hormonal disorder

Toxin Binders Manufacturer
Due to global warming and alteration in the climatic patterns is seriously affecting quality of food grains. Under these conditions, production and preservation of food grains free from any sort of toxins is quite a challenge. The feed ingredients may be contaminated with toxins just about anywhere in the supply chain.
Of the toxins, mycotoxins are a really serious threat affecting poultry and livestock. Mycotoxin contaminated feed has a devastating effect on Egg Production, Body weight gain, Feed efficiency, Hatchability, Immunity functions in Layers, Broilers & Breeders.
The economic consequences of Mycotoxin contamination on poultry production and human health is large. As a result it’s very critical to make sure prevention and control of mycotoxin in feed.
Detoxification :
The most effective method of neutralizing mycotoxins that are already present in feed is by binding them to an inert compound before they will be absorbed in the intestine. Detoxification of your feed is through amino farmers products. We are the best albendazole bolus and toxin binder manufacturer in India. The toxin binders that we provide retain mycotoxins in the intestine and is particularly effective to reduce mycotoxin transfer to meat, milk and eggs. Thus, reducing the transfer of mycotoxins to the food chain by a lot. The Toxin Binders that we offer is made available by us for the use in various different commercial and industrial applications, in turn making us the best in the industry of toxin binder manufacturers.